Distribution: Start Here!

Distribution: Start Here!

In most cases, long before the camera rolls, before the script is written, before the talent has been secured, the first deal to be inked should be the distribution pathway. Why? Because where your video gets viewed may determine aspects of its production, including...

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Economies of Scale: Video Campaign Production

Economies of Scale: Video Campaign Production

English economist Alfred Marshall first coined the term “economies of scale” in his groundbreaking 1890 text Principles of Economics. If you’ve ever taken an econ class or have some knowledge of manufacturing you know what that means, but we’ll deliver the Cliff Notes...

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Directory for Video Production Services

Want to browse the competition?  Go ahead!  We believe in having informed and enthusiastic new customers which is why we're providing you this  Local Advertising Network lists our competition.  We'll bet you come back 🙂  

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Publicity Video: Benefit vs. Risk

Publicity Video: Benefit vs. Risk

Back on April 20, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil-drilling rig, operated by BP suffered a blow out. The ensuing explosion killed 11 of the rig’s workers and, over the course of the 87 days in which the leak failed to be contained, dumped some 4.9 million barrels of...

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Basics: The Testimonial Video and Why You Need Them

Basics: The Testimonial Video and Why You Need Them

testimonial |ˌtestəˈmōnēəl| noun a formal statement testifying to someone’s character and qualifications We really can’t add much to that simple, yet elegant definition. Testimonials are the second best way to receive a referral. Only second! Why not talk about the...

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